Den Stora Moderns ansikte.

Till skillnad från de manliga gudareligioner som uppkom på ruinerna av Den Stora Moderns tempel,  fick man avbilda henne hur mycket man ville. I alla fall ser det så ut, med tanke på hur många skulpturer av Henne man hittat.

Hon hade många namn och hon hade många aspekter. 
Hon var en fertil, oftast fet kvinna, en bild av välutvecklat socialt samarbete och stora resurser på stenåldern. 
Hon symboliserades också av en uggla,  som man trodde att hon tog formen av, när hon hämtade hem människorna vid döden. Hon avbildades också som en fallos.

The face of The Great Mother Earth

Unlike the male gods that emerged on top of the ruins of the temples of The Great Mother,  you were allowed to make pictures and sculptures of her, as much as you would like.  At least it looks that way, considering the number of sculptures of Her that has been found.

She had many names and she had many aspects.
She was a fertile, often fat, woman, thus showing a picture of the welldeveloped social cooperation and great resources, of the neolithics. 

She was also symbolized by an owl, that was believed to be an aspect of the Mother, as she came to take the souls home with her, at the moment of death. She was also enpicted as a phallos.

Gudinna.     Goddess.


Sovande Gudinna.    Sleeping Goddess.

Såld till Sundsvalls Kommun.

Sold to Sundsvalls Kommun.


Tummat stengods  -  Pinched stoneware.







En skål/ljuslykta med Gudinnans Tre

Cirka 30 cm i diameter, tummat stengods.

A bowl / candleholder with the Three faces of the Goddess.


About 30 cm diameter,  pinched stoneware.